
  • Дата на основаване март 2, 1938
  • Сектори Научна и изследователска дейност
  • Публикувани работни места 0
  • Разгледано 15

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Indonesia Plans Increase in Palm Oil-based Biodiesel In 2025

JAKARTA, July 24 (Reuters) – Indonesia, the world’s biggest palm oil manufacturer, is testing fuel with a view to increasing to 40% from 35% the share of palm-oil blended into biodiesel next year, the energy ministry stated.

If executed, the B40 mandate might increase biodiesel consumption to up to 16 million kilolitres (KL) next year, the ministry said, from 13 million KL estimated to be consumed in 2024.

„We hope the trials might be ended up in December, so that full implementation of B40 might be brought out in 2025,“ energy ministry senior main Eniya Listiani Dewi said in a declaration on Tuesday.

The Indonesian Biofuel Producers Association (APROBI) said the industry had the capability to satisfy B40 demand, with set up capacity expected to increase to 20 million KL yearly next year from 18 million KL now.

„However we will need more raw materials to fulfill B40 need,“ Ernest Gunawan, the secretary general of APROBI informed Reuters on Wednesday.

The would need 13.9 million metric lots of unrefined palm oil to produce 16 million KL biodiesel next year, from the estimated 11 million heaps required this year, he included.

Indonesia’s biggest palm oil association GAPKI stated a decrease in exports indicated there would be enough basic materials to provide the B40 required for now.

But the industry would require to examine „which one would be more important“, GAPKI chairman Eddy Martono stated, referring to the possibility a boost in exports would make supplying the domestic market less viable.

Indonesia’s palm oil output is approximated to reach 54.4 million loads in 2024, a 2.26% boost from in 2015, while exports are anticipated to decrease by 2.47% to 29.5 million lots as domestic usage increased, driven by biodiesel mandate.

The ministry had actually checked the biodiesel, blended with 40% of palm oil, on a train for the very first time earlier this week, while planning to test the B40 mix on farming machinery, power plants and in the shipping market, it stated. (Reporting by Bernadette Christina and Dewi Kurniawati; Writing by Stanley Widianto; Editing by John Mair, Savio D’Souza and Barbara Lewis)

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LTU Sofia

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