
  • Дата на основаване май 13, 1921
  • Сектори Държавна администрация
  • Публикувани работни места 0
  • Разгледано 16

Описание на компанията

Portugal’s Galp Plans to Start Producing Biofuels In 2025

LISBON, Dec 19 (Reuters) – Portugal’s Galp Energia anticipates to start producing biodiesel and biojet fuel from waste in an industrial-scale unit it is constructing at its Sines refinery in 2026, the company, which is mainly an oil manufacturer and refiner, stated on Thursday.

In 2015 Galp got in into a 75%-25% joint endeavor with Japan’s Mitsui to invest 400 million euros ($415 million) in the Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil (HVO) plant, which will have a production capacity of 270,000 metric loads per year.

It will transform waste materials, such as used cooking oils, into sustainable biodiesel and biojet fuel, also called sustainable air travel fuel (SAF), utilizing green hydrogen produced by an electrolyser powered by wind or solar energy.

Galp stated in a it received on Wednesday the three reactors to process biofuels, which will allow the HVO system to „produce SAF and biodiesel in 2026 … positioning Galp at the leading edge of developing low-carbon solutions essential for the energy transition“.

Galp is likewise investing 250 million euros in a 100 megawatt (MW) electrolyser system to produce green hydrogen to power the refinery in Sines. ($1 = 0.9637 euros) (Reporting by Sergio Goncalves;-RRB-

„Проектиране и разработка на софтуерни платформи - кариерен център със система за проследяване реализацията на завършилите студенти и обща информационна мрежа на кариерните центрове по проект BG05M2ОP001-2.016-0022 „Модернизация на висшето образование по устойчиво използване на природните ресурси в България“, финансиран от Оперативна програма „Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж“, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейските структурни и инвестиционни фондове."

LTU Sofia

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