
  • Дата на основаване ноември 11, 2011
  • Сектори Производство
  • Публикувани работни места 0
  • Разгледано 62

Описание на компанията

Information-based Optimization of Jatropha Biomass Energy Production in the Frost- and Drought-prone Regions Of Botswana

Crops in Botswana grow slowly due to dryness and cold-weather, and this is a barrier to the accomplishment of a low carbon society based upon bioenergy. However, the country has an abundance of wild plants that can hold up against dryness and winter season cold. It likewise has great deals of jatropha curcas trees, whose seeds have plentiful quantities of an oil thought about to hold terrific promise as a biofuel. The objective of this job is to make use of these resources to develop jatropha curcas varieties that are resistant to dryness and condition and deal high efficiency, along with to develop techniques of cultivating these ranges. In this way, a biological technique will help to accomplish a low carbon society.

Creating a bioenergy production design based upon the nation’s own biological resources
A database of biological resource information connecting to jatropha curcas will be constructed and ideal varieties will be established. Moreover, in this desert that is subject to cold weather condition, efforts will be made to establish a cultivation system that is flexible with regard to environment modification. The task will work to develop a sustainable bioenergy production model using plant genetic resources that are indigenous to Botswana.

„Проектиране и разработка на софтуерни платформи - кариерен център със система за проследяване реализацията на завършилите студенти и обща информационна мрежа на кариерните центрове по проект BG05M2ОP001-2.016-0022 „Модернизация на висшето образование по устойчиво използване на природните ресурси в България“, финансиран от Оперативна програма „Наука и образование за интелигентен растеж“, съфинансирана от Европейския съюз чрез Европейските структурни и инвестиционни фондове."

LTU Sofia

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